Lamplighters Hebrew Academy 5784-5785
2024-2025 Tuition Schedules
School is open from 8:45 AM to 3:45 PM
Student hours Mondays – Thursdays 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Fridays 9:00AM to 12:30 PM
Tuition is based on scheduled school days in session, not on a child’s attendance.
2-3 and 4- 5-YEARS OLD
$13,500 Annually
Elementary School Grades1- 8
$15,500 Annually
*Registration Fee: $350 per student $500 Max per Family due with Registration packet.
*Tuition payments: 20 percent of Tuition is due before the start of the school year by Check or Credit card. A 3% Surcharge will be charged on credit card payments. 8 postdated checks or credit card authorizations for the remaining balance dated Oct 1st, Nov 1st Dec 1st, Jan 1st ‘23, Feb 1st 2023, March 1st 2023, April 1st2023, May 1st 2023
Classroom teachers will submit classroom supplies needed for specific grade and class at start of school.
- Standardized Testing, Field Trips, School pictures and special projects or activities will be any additional costs per child and required at time of activity.
- Before & After school extended supervision hours $5/hour per child to be pre arranged with Director. Discounts rates arranged for families with multiple children. Prompt pick up by 3:30.
- Special Needs additional services costs will be arranged on individual student needs & funding
Signed ________________________ Date ______________________